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Nebras program for outstanding students in the fields of science and technology

The Science Scouts set out for Al-Amal Elementary School in the village of Kassifa in the southern Negev

Alrowad News

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Alrowad  Units

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A scientific exhibitor, but a school student

Alrowad for Science and Technology

A confident scientific awakening

Alrowad is an Arab association registered with non-profit goals. Alrowad works to develop scientific capabilities in the Arab community and bridge gaps in science and technology education from childhood to university. Arab academics in various scientific and technical specializations, university students and talented students who aspire to change the Arab reality on the scientific and technical front and put their human and educational mark on society work in Alrowad. Alrowad branches are located in Tamra and Baqa al-Gharbiya, and it provides scientific services to all Arab cities.

سنوات منذ التأسيس

12 ~

عدد ايام العلوم سنويا

150 ~

عدد الطلاب المشتركين سنويا


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Alrowad Store

A home science kit for students is a project from the Alrowad for Science and Technology, which seeks to encourage students to carry out scientific experiments at home and in the presence of family members, with the aim of bringing science closer to everyone as a step to create an educated generation, in which the language of science is circulated among people, and that it becomes an integral part of public discourse and dialogue general.
صورة طالب مع مجسم علمي من جمعية الرواد للعلوم والتقنيات

scientific kits

Explanation videos

In addition to the guide book, videos explaining the experiments were filmed in order to clarify the implementation and installation process more and more.

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طاقم جمعية الرواد

Join Alrowad Family

Alrowad seeks to create a society in which a modern scientific and technological vision spreads that is an integral part of public discourse and public dialogue. The association's vision revolves around the distinctive relationship between originality and modernity, and draws an extension of Arab culture and civilization in the field of scientific research and discovery, to form a society in which science and education are the basis for social stability and an engine for economic development in the country.
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 Our vision

Our Goals

The Team




Elite program

Tamkeen program

WorkUp program



Mobile labs

Nebras program

Educational counseling

Optimum Psychometry

Alrowad Centers

Tamra - Industrial Zone

Salman Al Farsi Street

 Baqa al-Gharbiyye - Bear Baqa Street

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